Writer, sarcastic, funny, vampire and dragon lover, movie buff, author of the now complete Remember Dragons Lie Volume I: The Stag and its in-progress sequel Remember Dragons Lie Volume II: The Unicorn.


To learn more, hop on over to the books page OR hop on over to the teaser and get a sneak peek of Chapter 1! For articles and all behind-the-scenes content, have a peek at my Worldbuilding Journal and explore Orosta.

J. L. Gryphon – Sarcastic vampire and dragon lover at your service!

Complete with nerdy film references, an avid enjoyment of all things fantasy, and one very nosy cat who may appear from time to time. To quote the beloved Terry Pratchett:

“In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods. They have not forgotten this.”

—Terry Pratchett

In other news, I am the author of the now complete Remember Dragons Lie Volume I: The Stag and its in-progress sequel, Remember Dragons Lie Volume II: The Unicorn. Welcome to Orosta! I have always been a huge lover of reading, writing, and the feel of a page sliding beneath my fingers. I am that strange woman in the bookstore sniffing the ink on a newly-printed book, and I am not ashamed. Supported by family and friends, I followed my passion and graduated with a bachelor’s in English and Communication. My main interests are fantasy and science fiction, but I enjoy many other genres, as well.

My Writing Origins: The Character Who Started It All

My writing career would not have happened had it not been for one specific character that popped into my head when I was fifteen.

Enter Anäriel Anastil.

This was the “conversation” I had with a newborn fictional character who was way more opinionated than she had any right to be:

Me: “I can’t write about you. Your story is this giant, sweeping epic that I just don’t have the skill to tell. You need better representation, an author that will make sure your voice and story are properly portrayed.”

Anäriel: “Exactly. Which is why I came to you.”

Me: “What? I’m fifteen. This is a major commitment!”

Anäriel: “Mm-hmm. But you will do it, and I will keep poking you in the brain until you do. Stop comparing yourself to the greats and just write. You will get better the more you practice. Just write about me. You will like me. I promise.”

Me: “I know I’ll like you. I just doubt you’ll like me once I proceed to slaughter your story.”

Anäriel: *eye roll* “You are not going to slaughter it.”

Me: “Yes, I will.”

Anäriel: “You are just scared this is going to change your life.”

She was right, but I wasn’t about to admit it. I was fifteen! A sprawling fantasy epic that would take years to write is a lot to dump on a fifteen-year-old! So I internalized my argument. I had created other stories over the years, but I had never cared about them enough to stick with it, and none of my characters had the staying power to argue with me about it. Not Anäriel. She refused to go away. She existed as my great idea, my “it-character” if you will, and she wouldn’t let me forget it.

Finally, after a year of debating with myself, I faced the commitment. I knew it was going to be a giant story. I suspected it would take me years to finish (and it has), but I also knew if my imagination was being this persistent, I had better listen. Fingers poised over the keyboard, I began typing Chapter 1: “Assassins in the East”.

So J. L. Gryphon and Remember Dragons Lie Volume I: The Stag were born, and it all started with a stubborn elf.

—J. L. Gryphon


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